Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
263 Somerset Street
North Plainfield, NJ 07060
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
263 Somerset Street
North Plainfield, NJ 07060
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Addresses the economic development needs of the Borough and advises the Mayor and Borough Council of actions the Council may undertake to assist that development.
Nine (9) Members
Eight (8) residents/taxpayers/citizens of the Borough appointed by the Mayor not requiring
Council confirmation - 2-year terms
Council Member appointed by Council requiring Council confirmation - 1-year term
N.P.R.G.O. 2-6.9Tom Fagan, Chair
Term: 1/8/2024 - 1/1/2026
Janice Allen
Term: 1/1/2025 1/1/2027
Leonard W. Lange
Term: 1/8/2024 - 1/1/2026
Andy Guevera
Term: 1/2/2025 - 1/1/2027
Desmond Battiste
Term: 1/8/2024 - 1/1/2026
Sakinah Pickett
Term: 1/2/2025 - 1/1/2027
Council Member
Steve McIntyre
Term: 1/1/25 - 1/1/2026