Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm


263 Somerset Street
North Plainfield, NJ 07060

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm


263 Somerset Street
North Plainfield, NJ 07060



Contact Us

Address: 263 Somerset Street, North Plainfield, NJ 07060-4846
Attn: Finance

Phone: 908 769-2908

Hours: Borough Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8am - 4:30pm


Patrick J. Deblasio
908 769-2908

Treasurer, Tax Collector, Purchasing Agent:
Kathleen A. Intravartolo
908 769-2908

Tax Collector:
Ivette Diaz
908 769-2947

Payroll Supervisor:
Elizabeth Gomes
908 769-2909

Accounts Payable:
Michele Costello
908 769-2908

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Finance News
Borough Audits as well as Annual Financial Statements, Annual Debt Statements and Budget documents are available online.

Property Tax and Sewer Account Payments/Inquiries
Property tax and sewer account information and the payments portal can be accessed by clicking the Payment Portal Link. Current property tax and sewer charges, delinquent property tax and sewer balances (including current interest and lien status of a property) and assessment and ownership information is available.

Go Paperless, Go Green, with Your Sewer Bill!
We offer a voluntary automated paperless sewer billing program which will allow you to receive your sewer bill via e-mail. The program is only applicable to SEWER bills and bears NO COST to the homeowner. If you chose NOT to enroll in automated billing, you will still receive a paper bill. Please print out this form, complete the information and return to the Finance office.

If you have any questions please call 908-769-2908.

The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills. The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears. To get more information and apply, go to or call NJ211.

2024 Tax Dollar Breakdown

Click to open an OCR scanned PDF version of it. Please note 1.4% accounts for County Library, which was not captured by OCR.