Where can I find information on Traffic Calming and other concerns raised at the March 27th Council Meeting?

North Plainfield Police T and U Visa Information:

Can I pay a Ticket Online?  Yes

May I Report A Tip?  Yes tips@northplainfieldnj.gov (this is not monitored in real-time and should not be used for calls for service).  Call 911 for emergencies and 908-769-2937 for non-emergent calls.

How Do I Report Police Misconduct?

How Do I Report a Bias Incident?

How can I help myself in an emergency?

Most importantly, remain calm and work with the 911 operator. Valuable time can be lost to panic. You may be able to provide important information for the responders or take some important first steps to handle the situation at hand. For the speediest response possible, be prepared to supply the operator with the following information: type of problem, where you are, where the problem is, phone number you may be called back at, color of the house, closest cross streets, landmarks, how many people are involved, descriptions of any vehicles involved, and descriptions of any suspects and direction of travel.

If you are calling from a cellular phone, make note of landmarks, mile markers on the highways, and any other information which could provide your location. When you dial 911 from a cellular phone, it is not answered by your local Dispatch Center, but rather the State or County Dispatch Enhanced 911 Public Safety Answering Point. It is vital to be as specific as you can regarding your location especially on a cellular phone.

How do I know if my call is an emergency?

Examples of emergencies are: a crime or incident in progress, a suspicious person or vehicle, or when there is a risk of loss of life or property. Non-emergencies include crimes or incidents not in progress, animal calls, directions, questions about special events, and loud music calls. If you are not sure if your concern qualifies as an emergency, go ahead and dial 911. The dispatcher will refer you to the non-emergency number if appropriate.

What happens when I dial 911? Am I talking to my local Communications Center?

No.  Your 911 call goes from your phone to the Somerset County Communications Center, Located in Somerville N.J.  the 911 operator will ask you if your emergency is for police, fire or medical response. Police calls are then routed to North Plainfield Police Dispatch. 

Domestic Violence; How can I get my belongings out of our my/house?

If you live in North Plainfield you can call the Police at 908-769-2937 and ask for a CIVIL STANDBY. These generally last 5-15 minutes. The Officer will stand by while you gather essential items. If the 2nd party/person is not at home the Police will not allow you to gain unauthorized entry.  The officers are only there to keep the peace and not inventory what is taken.


No.  Only a judge may vacate a restraining order.  The person being restrained will be arrested even if he/she was invited back home.

Do North Plainfield Police wear Body Cameras?

Yes our mission is to continuing to build transparency with the community we serve. We are part of a pilot program to test the use of Body Worn Cams for Somerset County. 

NPPD Accreditation